WDN History

Over 40 Years of Service to the Community and Amateur Radio in the Western NY Area.

Western District Net - Historical Highlights
(Compiled from the WDN Archives)

June 15, 1976
The first session conducted by founder and Net Manager, Don Partis, WA2AIV, on 146.640 repeater at 9:30 p.m.
September, 1978 WB2KHT becomes Training Manager, N2AOB Records Manager.
March 1, 1979 N2APB appointed ANM, WB2KHT and N2AOB leave respective positions.
May 1980 N2APB appointed new Net Manager as WA2AIV resigns.
August 1980 KG2D appointed Assistant Net Manager.
October 1980 WDN "Simplex Night" established, last Sunday of each month.
January 1981 Traffic Handlers Information Net (THIN) starts.
May 1981 WB2OWO appointed new Asst. Net Manager replacing KG2D who resigns.
August 16, 1981 First WDN Picnic, Letchworth State Park.
August 22, 1981 6:30 p.m. Session established; now two sessions daily.
January 1, 1982 WDN "Honor Roll" established (Top 10 Check-ins each month).
April 1982
KA2GOH appointed Simplex Night Manager, WB2IDS and KA2GOH co-managers of THIN.
September 1, 1982 KC2QQ (ex-KA2GOH) appointed new Net Manager as N2APB resigns.
October 1982
N2ABA becomes Simplex Night Manager, WB2PID and KC2QQ become co-managers of THIN as WB2IDS resigns.
February 26, 1984
NCS KA2QIK breaks old record of 45 with 52 check-ins at 6:30 session with unusually high traffic volume as a direct result of K2GXT (R.I.T.) Valentine Massacre.
April 1, 1984 WDN/Morning Session established at 11:00 a.m.
August 4 1984 WB2OWO appointed Net Manager as KC2QQ resigns.
September 2, 1984 KA2QIK appointed Assistant Net Manager.
Nov. 23, 1984 KA2QIK resigns as Assistant Net Manager; replaced by KA2DQA.
January 1, 1986 KA2DQA resigns as Assistant Net Manager.
April 1, 1986 N2ABA appointed new Assistant Net Manager.
May 17, 1986 N2EVG becomes new Simplex Night Manager.
December 31, 1989 WB2OWO Retires as Net Manager, N2ABA Resigns as Asst. Net Manager.
January 1, 1990 N2EVG appointed Net Manager; WB2OEV Becomes Simplex Night Manager.
August 1990 WB2OEV becomes Assistant Net Manager.
April 1, 1992
AA2CX appointed new NM as N2EVG resigns; AF2K becomes ANM and Simplex Night Manager.
January 1, 1994 N2GUN becomes new ANM and Simplex Night Manager as AF2K resigns.
June 1, 1994
AA2CX and N2GUN both resign. Net Managers established:
WDN/Morning   AF2K NM   K2BCL, ANM
WDN/Late   WI2G NM
August 1, 1994
WI2G resigns as WDN/L NM, WB2DYJ appointed new WDN/L NM with N2TOY new ANM.
April 1, 1995 WB2OWO resigns as THIN Coordinator.
May 1, 1995 N2JRS becomes new WDN/E Net Manager as ND2S resigns.
June 15, 1996 WDN Observes 20th year of continuous operation and enters third decade.
August 1, 1996
KB2TIY appointed WDN/L Net Manager as WB2DYJ resigns; KB2UQZ becomes ANM. N2TOY becomes new VHF THIN Manager.
July 1, 1998 WB2UQZ (now W2GUT) appointed WDN/L NM as KB2TIY resigns.
July 1, 1999 KB2VVD appointed WDN/M NM as AF2K resigns.
July 28, 2001 KA2IWK appointed WDN/M NM as KB2VVD resigns.
July 1, 2004 KB2DQ appointed WDN/L NM as W2GUT resigns.
June 15, 2006 Celebrated WDN 30th Anniversary on the 6:30 Net.
July 1, 2006 KB2DQ appointed Simplex NM as AF2K resigns.
February 1, 2007 KB2DQ appointed WDN/M NM as KA2IWK resigns.
May 1, 2007
KB2DQ resigns as WDN/M, WDN/L and WDN/Simplex NM and N2JRS Takes Over As WDN NM and the Morning Net and Early Net Sessions are Discontinued.
Sept. 23, 2007 The 146.640 Repeater is Down - Using 145.450 Repeater.
January 1, 2008 KB2DQ appointed WDN NM as N2JRS resigns.
August 7, 2008 The 146.640 Repeater is Back Up.
November 1, 2008 The 146.640 Repeater is Down - Using 145.170 Repeater.
Nov. 15, 2008 Last night for Simplex Night as Simplex Night is Discontinued.
January 6, 2009 The 146.640 Repeater is Back Up.
July 22, 2009 The 146.640 Repeater is Down - Using 145.170 Repeater.
Dec. 19, 2009
The 146.640 Repeater is Back Up - Still Using 145.170 Repeater. Obtained Permission From BARRA to Use the 145.170 on a Permanent Basis.
April 10, 2010
Start Early Net Session (6:30 pm) on Saturday and Sunday, KB2DQ Appointed as WDN/E NM.
January 1, 2011
It is with deep sadness and regret to report that Western District Net founder Donald C. Partis, WA2AIV, of Batavia, NY became a Silent Key January 1, 2011 at age 74.
March 7, 2011 N2WKT Appointed Assistant Net Manager.
June 26, 2011 End Early Net Session (6:30 pm) on Saturday and Sunday.
July 23, 2012
KC2VUX Appointed Net Manager for the VHF Thin Net as W2GUT resigns. KB2DQ Appointed Assistant Net Manager for the VHF Thin Net.
July 23, 2012 KB2YAA Appointed Assistant Net Manager for the VHF Thin Net as W2GUT resigns.
Sept. 1, 2013
KB2DQ Steps Down as Net Manager for the WDN. (Temporary Health Reasons.)
KC2FEN Appointed Temporary Net Manager for the WDN.
Sept. 29, 2013
KC2VUX Resigns as Net Manager for the VHF Thin Net.
KB2DQ Appointed Net Manager for the VHF Thin Net.
Oct. 16, 2013
KC2FEN Resigns as Net Manager for the WDN.
KB2DQ Appointed Net Manager for the WDN.
April 1, 2014
KB2DQ Resigns as Net Manager for the WDN. (Health Reasons.)
N2WKT Appointed Temporary Net Manager for the WDN.
June. 1, 2014
N2WKT Resigns as Temporary Net Manager for the WDN.
KB2VVD Appointed Net Manager for the WDN.
June. 1, 2014 KB2YAA Appointed Assistant Net Manager for the WDN.
Oct. 1, 2014 N2LJM Appointed Section Manager for WNY Section.
Feb. 23, 2016 K2RMF Appointed Section Traffic Manager for WNY Section.
November 1, 2016
KB2VVD steps down as Net Manager to become Assistant Net Manager.
KB2YAA steps up from Assistant Net Manager to Net Manager for the WDN.
September 14, 2019
KD2IWN takes over from W2WDD (formerly KB2VVD) as assistant net manager.
November 6, 2020
K2RMF Resigned as Section Traffic Manager.
K2EAG Appointed Section Traffic Manager for WNY Section.
March 19, 2021
W2ZXN Appointed as Assistant Section Traffic Manager for WNY Section

146.640 and WDN Origins